
Informations en français ici.

Matéo Lepetit is a 16 years old French teen suffering from leukemia. All the treatments have failed, including a bone marrow transfer from his sister. His last chance is an experimental treatment at Children’s hospital.

Départ cette nuit !

Following an incredible public show of support across France, including the leading news outlets, the family was able to raise, through tens of thousands of donations, the close to $200,000 needed for the treatment.

They arrived on January 2nd in SeaTac and Mateo’s treatment should start the week of the 11th (after his health is somewhat stabilized) and will last for about 3 months.

They still need the help of the amazing Puget Sound community as this will be a long and costly stay for them.

You can help! How?

Unfortunately, for now, their blog is only in French. Here are still a few links:

Note: UFE Seattle is a community organizing non-profit (501c(3)) focusing on welcoming, supporting and fostering the French, Francophone and Francophile community in the Puget Sound. Together with the French honorary consul of Seattle, Mr. Jack Cowan, we are helping the family for their stay in our region.

More on UFE Seattle: